Sunday, February 9, 2025
WE HAVE RESUMED LIVE WORSHIP SERVICES: Historic Little Rock Baptist Church welcomes you back to the Rock each Sunday morning @ 10 am. You can come into the church or worship with us on the church lot while you listen on your car radio on 89.7 (within one mile of the church) or watch the broadcast on this website.
LIVE" STREAMING SERVICES: During the time of restricted movement, the Historic Little Rock is now "Live" streaming our Sunday morning worship services (10:00 am) and Bible Study on Wednesday @ 7:00 pm over YouTube and Facebook (Historic Little Rock Baptist Church), and right here on our website! You can subscribe now by searching for Historic Little Rock on YouTube (or follow this link). Once you subscribe you'll be all set to watch the services.
BIBLE STUDY: Join our 2025 Bible class that meets each Wednesday. we meet via phone at 12 noon and in person at 6pm.
​Noon Bible Study: Our Noon Bible Study meets at noon on Wednesday via the conference call number (929) 352-3458 (access code: 100 488 01#).
In Person Bible Study: We are here at the church each Wednesday at 6pm for Bible Study. Our pastor is an excellent teacher so come out and learn more about God's word.
​​CHILDREN'S CHURCH: Children's Church meets every 2nd and 3rd Sunday in the lower level. ​​​​​​
​WE ARE HIRING: Historic Little Rock BC is looking for a Part-Time Assistant Pastor. Send your cover letter and resume to AColvin@HLRBC.ORG. No phone calls please.​ Click here for more details.​
​​PRAYER FOR PASTOR COLVIN: We are in prayer for our Pastor. A 31-day prayer guide has begun. The brochures are available in each lobby.
MOVIES AT THE ROCK: Join the Mission Ministry Saturday, February 22nd at 11am for an afternoon at the movies here at the Rock! See Sis. Angela Mumpfield in the Holley Chapel for tickets.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2025: The Christian Education ministry is sponsoring a Leadership conference, "New Beginnings, Saturday, March 1 from 9am - noon in the Tate Fellowship Hall.
JOIN US FOR THE WIZ: The Domestic Travel Club Ministry invites you to "Ease on Down the Road with The Wiz" Sunday, June 22 at the Fisher Theater. The deadline for tickets & Dinner is Wednesday, April 16th. See Bro or Sis. Welch for more information.
3RD SUNDAY IS "SOUL SUNDAY": Every 3rd Sunday is "Soul Sunday" at HLRBC! We encourage each member to pray and invite 3 guests to join us for Breakfast (8am - 9:30am), Sunday School, and Morning Worship Service.
​STRIVE FOR FIVE: "Strive For Five" Membership Registration Drive! See 1st Lady Errin Colvin in the Mary McLeod Bethune Room to register.
ROCK CARE MINISTRY: Join the Rock Care Ministry today immediately following morning service.
ATTN PARENTS OF YOUTH: In an effort to support our youth department, First Lady Errin is asking the parents of all youth 17 years old and under to email her your name, telephone number and email address. Please forward your information to ladye@hlrbc.org.​​​​​​​
FORGOTTEN HARVEST & GLEANERS FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Our food distribution program has resumed! We partner with Forgotten Harvest & Gleaner's food bank to share food to those in our community in need. We distribute food each month on the 2nd & 4th Friday. Thank you for your participation and support. Our next food distribution will be Friday, February 14, 2025.
​CRUISE WITH US!: You are invited to join the HLRBC Domestic Travel Club Ministry as they take Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas on a Canadian and New England Tour! The cruise dates are September 4 - 12, 2025 See any member of the travel ministry for more information or click here.
IS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION UP TO DATE?: Please take a moment to help us update your records so we ensure that we have the correct means to communicate with you. Shortly, we will introduce new ways to interact with each other and we don't want you to miss out! You can update/verify your information quickly by texting "register" to 313 631-2900 or click here.
​COOKBOOKS ARE AVAILABLE NOW: The Mission Ministry's "Recipes From the Heart" Cookbook are on sale here at the Church. Look for them in both lobbies. ​
THE MEDIA MINISTRY IS LOOKING FOR YOU!: The media ministry is looking for on-camera talent for ongoing segments of Moments At The Rock, a daily bible verse series. Please see Bro. Bennie Tate of Bro. Joe Hunter for more information.
2025 MEMBER REGISTRATION: Registration is a form of identity as a part of the Historic Little Rock family. Membership helps keep us gathered with the other sheep under the protective leadership of Pastor Colvin. Not only do you know the church, but the church knows you. When you register, you are affirming your connection with the Historic Little Rock Baptist Church. You are joining a body of believers in unity proclaiming that you will work together that we might fulfill God's mission in the world - to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20). Please click here to register today!
​​ONLINE GIVING AND ENVELOPES FOR SENIORS: You may submit your tithes, offering, and building fund donations by clicking here. We have a new "Text to Give" feature that works on your mobile phone. Click here for more information. For those 60 and older, you can contact the church at 313-872-2900 for pre-stamped, self-addressed envelopes if you prefer to send your tithes and offering by mail.
CHURCH'S NEWSLETTER: If you have a passion for writing and would like to use your talent in service to the church, the Media Ministry is looking for assistance with the church’s newsletter. Please see Bro. Joseph Hunter for more information.
MEDIA MINISTRY: The Media Ministry is looking for volunteers. Please see Brother Bennie Tate or Brother Joe Hunter for more information.